Thursday, December 5, 2013

Part 1: preparing

I have found the easiest, healthiest and most delicious way to eat well with Gastroparesis is to be prepare. 
Every week I pre make some staple items that can be used throughout the week in my meals.
I always have "overnight oats", chia pudding, veggies, and meat available for quick healthy meal assembly. I make my almost daily frittata with some of these ingredients as well.

Each week :
I pre heat the oven to 375 and slice 2-3 small sweet potatoes  
1 acron squash in half
1 spaghetti squash in half
And bake them on a baking sheet until they are soft. The sweet potato slices I store in a glass covered bowl in the fridge. The squash I scoop out and store in fridge and I do the same with the spaghetti squash.

I sautée 1-2 lbs pounds lean white turkey meat in a dry non stick pan adding a bit of salt and pepper or basil to taste. Once it cools I weigh it into little sandwich bags each being between 3-4 oz per bag. I keep one in the fridge and the rest gets tossed in the freezer. Each evening I take one from the freezer and toss it in the fridge for the next days meals. 

Every two weeks:
I cook a whole chicken 

In a Large pot:
7 large peeled carrots chopped 
1 onion diced
5 -6 celery stalks chopped large
Herbs, salt /pepper
1 whole chicken washed 
And about 8 cups of water or until chicken is covered
I cook it on medium high until it boils then I let it simmer covered for 11/2 to 2 hours

After the soup cools, I pour the stock into mason jars, usually I make 3 jars of just stock and three with some shredded chicken and carrots. The rest of the carrots and chicken I put into bags measuring out 4 oz of chicken per bag and rotating them from freezer to fridge as I do with the ground turkey.
The jars of stock and soup I put in the freezer they stay good for about 6 months but I use it in about two weeks. The bones, skin, onions, celery and herbs are tossed.

Having these ingredients  prepared and measured into Gastroparesis friendly servings sizes makes my daily meals so much easier, healthier and my symptoms a lot more controllable.

( my homemade chicken soup, I don't eat the celery and often add a bit of spaghetti squash to my bowl of soup) 

- Enjoy 

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