Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Welcome to my blog !

I was recently diagnosed with idiopathic Gastroparesis at the age of 30. And I  was shocked by how little information is available about this condition especially dietary. I was dismayed by the diet restrictions and limitations i was told to adhere to. So I decided to find a more feasible, delicious and healthy way to cook for myself. Most days I can honestly say I eat yummy well balanced meals. There are days when juicing, smoothie and baby food packets are all that sit well. Luckily those days are rare and quickly pass.
In the past few weeks I have gotten in the habit of taking pictures of my meals mostly as a reminder of what worked, what didn't, and to trigger ideas for improvement. I cook only with what I consider whole clean foods, however I feel like the term "clean eating" has taken on a life of it's own. Numerous fitness bloggers state that they eat 100% clean. I however do not agree with Quest bars, various shakes, energy boosting supplements, dehydrated peanut butters etc as being "clean".
I cook "clean" by my personal definition :) whole ingredients, as many unaltered ingredients  as possible, simple, easy, and tasty!

I hope you enjoy my updates, and recipe ideas. I would like to be clear that I am not a licensed dietitian or physician. I post purely to share some ideas I have found helpful, some may work for you, some may not. Please consult your physician if you have any questions as to whether these recipes are appropriate for you.

- Enjoy

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