Thursday, March 13, 2014

Gastroparesis Friendly Living

Good morning, 

I deeply appreciate the support from my readers. I love hearing how this blog, recipes, ideas help or haven't helped with your GP. I have this blog and now website to have an outlet of sorts for my daily choices and food experiments. I am fully aware that sadly a lot of these foods may no longer by GP friendly for everyone. I know that Gastroparesis often progresses so drastically that food of any kind is really no longer an option. My heart aches over that realization. I am purely trying a different approach for myself, my GP and where it is right now. I have poured over health and diet books and combed through all of Crystal Zaborowski's work. She has such an amazing, positive and health concious approach to managing her Gastroparesis it gives me a great sense of hope. I love and admire her work! 
I have found the Paleo Challenge (edited to be more GP Friendly) extremely helpful so far. We are on day 13 and I have noticed some very positive health changes so far. I still have terrible days, vomiting, pain, weakness. But I feel overall healthier if that makes sense. Clearer head, less groggy, less sore, less bloated, more regular, more energy even on bad days. I would like to thank Becky and Carmen again for their undying support, good humor and sense of adventure for throwing in the towel and joining me the past thirteen days. I couldn't have made it this far without you both, the daily texts, picture messages, dates make it all so much more fun, manageable and enjoyable. I realize Gastroparesis isn't well know and a lot of people have no idea what it is let alone what it actually does to a person, mentally and physically. Knowing this makes me really deeply appreciate my family and friends that have educated themselves on this disease and been such a positive, loving support system for me. It makes world of difference. Having a community of Gastroparesis "sisters" has also made a huge difference. It's comforting to feel the support and kindness this community of people have for one another. I have never read kinder comments on blogs, websites, social media accounts then on GP ones! It's inspiring! 
I took a huge personal step this week and signed up for college classes to become a Certified Health Coach. I am hoping to complete the program with in a year and start practicing in my area. I deeply believe in the power of nutrition and am extremely excited to start learning more.
I am aware this will make a huge impact on me, my health, family and finances, but my husband John and I feel that this will be a very positive thing for me and our family. It's cute how enthustiastic my two older daughters are about "mama going back to school" especially my nine year old who is thrilled with the thought of a homework buddy:)
The next year is bound to be an exciting one.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Honey Glazed Butternut Squash

I took one Butternut Squash, peeled, removed seeds and cube it.
I spread the cubes onto a coconut oil sprayed baking sheet and roasted it for 20 @375
Removing from the oven I drizzled the Squash with honey and gave it a nice toss. Back into the oven until soft. About another 15 minutes. 
Some I used as a mini meal the rest got refridgerated for the coming days:)


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Easy Paleo, Gluten Free and Gastroparesis Friendy Breakfast

I took 2 cups spinach and cut it into smaller pieces with my kitchen scissors. I steamed the spinach in a small pot with water for a few minutes until soft, drained and placed on a plate.
Then I cooked one egg over easy and placed it on top. Boom a healthy easy breakfast. 


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Random updates: Getting on board with social media, 21 day Paleo challenge

Yesterday I started a Gastroparesis Friendly Living Facebook page! It was a huge step for me and we will see how it works out. I really enjoy posting daily pictures on IG of my meals and life. The whole huge world of Facebook is honestly a bit intimidating to me. 

I also started a 21 day Paleo challenge with two of my sweet friends on March first. Today is day six and I have been noticing a lot of differences and shifts.
First off I have been vomiting less!(yay)! I made it four days vomit free which was huge. I have also been feeling a lot less bloated and sore. Usually my belly is swollen and sore a large amount of the time. During the past six days I have been noticing a huge difference in my swelling and pain. I can button pants without feeling discomfort, I can bend over and stand up with out wincing in pain. So that is phenomenal. I have almost been maintaining  my current weight as well which was a big concern for me since I have spent the past 4 months working hard on gaining. I have been feeling a lot more clear and hydrated which is a pleasure. Overall I have not experienced any negative symptoms. I have been missing my 0% fat Greek yogurts and my rice cakes with banana and honey:) but overall it's been a very positive and exciting six days! Fingers crossed this helps relieve some of the nasty symptoms we GPers experience. 

I have been working on a lot of new simple and clean GP friendly recipes and am I hoping to start updating my blog more frequently with them. 
