Friday, April 25, 2014

What I am eating these days

People are always curious about what I eat. What I eat won’t necessary work for you. I had a lot of food testing done and found some slight food allergies and have done a  lot of trial and error. In the past 6 months I have slowly assumed a slight variation of the Paleo diet. I was feeling quite alone on this journey and with my  personal views on nutrition as a person with GP. I have obtained a huge (slightly disturbing) book and cook book collection on nutrition, diet, and Paleo and I find with all my research and personal common sense avoiding all processed foods, sugar, gluten, dairy made sense for me with an already fragile digestive tract and a slow functioning digestion.
When I was doing some reading today I came across Living well with Gastroparesis blog and revisited  her posts and discovered she is also leaning toward this clean eating lifestyle and away from the “standard” GP friendly diet. I admire her work so profoundly. I own all her books. My only issue with them was the recipes and diet because they just didn't sit well with me even though they were “low fat “low fiber”.   I am excited for these ideas to become a more common and researched subject for people suffering with GP.  It made me feel oddly less alone in this food/lifestyle journey. I have gotten a lot of comments some harsh about what I am eating not being “Gastroparesis Friendly”. I would have to agree I find the standard publications on Gastroparesis dietary guidelines to be poisonous for me. Everyone is very different and no one thing will work for everyone.
However a  healthy, clean, organic eating does make a huge difference on side effects, symptoms and your overall health.
My Diet, Life and GP Management plan are a constant work in progress. Below are some staples that work well for me. This list does not cover everything I eat but does give an over view of what I consume the most frequently. I try and eat 100% Organic, grass fed hormone free meats, and unprocessed (unaltered) foods.
What I eat:
Well tolerated: Organic Grass Fed lean ground meats: Ground Turkey, Chicken,Venison, bone broth made from  Chicken or Turkey,
Wild Caught Salmon and Trout, some Tuna and Tilapia
Soups and Stews,
Slow roasted organic vegetables, Sweet Potato, Acorn Dquash, Butternut Squash, Parsnips, Spaghetti Squash, Carrots, Yams
 Slowly steamed or sautéed veggies Spinach, Kale, Carrots, Apples, Pears, 
**Personal allergies, wheat, dairy, peanut butter
** Personal choices,  eliminated sugar, all processed foods, dairy. Dairy is the toughest for me to avoid but I notice a huge difference when I am a 100% dairy free
**No skins, I cook a lot of fruit and veggies with skins then remove them post roasting.
Organic eggs ( we have our own chickens)
Organic fruits, banana I eat raw or in a smoothie, melons, watermelon, raspberries, kiwi, otherwise I cook the  fruit,
I do keep my diet low fat and fiber to help aid digestion time and I eat small meals 6 plus time a day
I drink a lot of water 2-3 liters a day
I drink a lot of smoothies, You can always find one made and ready in my Fridge
Fresh squeezed juices, spinach, cucumber, apples, ginger, celery, carrots to name a few favorites ..
Unsweetened Organic Almond milk,
Unsweetened Organic Coconut milk
Organic Coconut oil, it is great for healing for your gut and an excellent source of healthy fat
Avocado, Olive oil, are some other healthy fats I consume
Organic Sunflower butters and Almond butter both unsweetened and without salt
Honey, Homemade Maple Syrup. I have cut back on Honey and opt for Maple Syrup since looking into FODMAP diet.
Not Paleo**eaten rarely rice, some quinoa, chia seeds, wine, chocolate 


  1. The main goals of the Gastroparesis Treatment are to provide diet that is easily emptied from the stomach, relive symptoms, stimulation of stomach muscular activity, maintenance of adequate nutrition and controlling underlying conditions. Well chewed food which is low in fiber is recommended and is to be taken in the form of smaller, frequent portions to aid in emptying. Drugs used to relieve nausea and vomiting includes pro-motility drugs such as metoclopramide and doperidone, anti nausea drugs such as prochlorperazine and promethazine, serotonin antagonists such as ondansetron, anticholinergic drugs such as ascopolamine patch. The drugs used for treating nausea in cancer chemotherapy patients include aprepitant and medical marijuana. Drugs given to stimulate muscle activity include: cisapride, doperidone, metoclopramide and erythromycin.

  2. I know this is a very old post, but how do you cook your spaghetti squash? I've been looking everywhere for a gp friendly recipe and have yet to find one.

  3. Gastroparesis home remedies by herbal care products. We are leading online herbal store for any type of health and skin disease treatment without side effects.
